Extremely effective IG growth strategy (new idea)


I have been experimenting a lot with new strategies lately and have found a completely unique strategy to gain new followers.

I have learned a lot from this forum and will share it here to all of you.

You need mass story interaction service (I use MassPoller with promocode - it’s very cheap) and Virtual Assistant if you don’t want to waste your time.

First, you start the Question tool in the mass story service. It will automatically “answer” any story with question in it.

Here is the trick - use some variation of this text.
“Hey, I am a fortune teller. I see your destiny and can tell you immediately what will happen in the future. Follow me and you will learn everything.”

Then use 5-10 canned responses, each 4-5 senteces long and just copy-paste them to every new message request. After that you can add additional CTA.

It works! You will not believe it. Almost anyone will want to know the future. Just keep the replies positive and bring them joy. They will love you and will follow your CTA to “return the favor”.

Please test it and discuss your results.

I use this strategy in my native language (not English) and it works perfectly as well.

Wish you luck and take care.


I like your thinking and I’m glad it worked for you, personally when I see those bots reply to my story with a generic unrelated comment i find it detrimental to them, and I don’t think I’d ever interact, but I guess worth a try!


Awesome method as usual @mitev, thanks for sharing.

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This method has been applied to growing facebook pages since last year.Great way to implement it on instagram .

That’s because you’re thinking like marketer. Most IG users don’t :smiley:

Thanks for sharing @mitev


Very true thanks

Thanks for sharing mitev. Cheers

Nice share, thank you!
Did you set your IG profile private?

The profile is not private currently but probably it should be tested if private brings better results. MOst probably it will.

if private nobody outside followers can see

I’ve recently made a feature page that I’ve warmed up for about a month and am going to try this method.
Can I ask before I do if you guys think it’s wise on a newish account?

If so, I’ll report back with findings!

The account has to be old. Otherwise you may get AC messages when using mass polling service.

Can you use masspoller and reply to DMs at the same time? I guess you will get AC a lot if you do that even if it’s an aged account.

Yeah, i think having a private profile makes more users curious and they will hit the follow button.

Thank you for sharing, and yes @ossi, i tried to make some of my accounts private and i saw some changes in the followers growth

Yes, can confirm this is true

Can you do this method with Jarvee story feature?

To get instant growth on IG, you will maintain your post quality. Your post content should be unique and attractive. Daily follow 8 to 10 new people. increase your number of posts on Instagram.

How in this planet you can do that? I’m not saying that absolutely all is already invented but thinking that you can have unique content is an utopia.

Trying this method out for a day as more of a test than anything else!

Starting at 247 followers & really good content, will let you know how it goes!


masspoller is kinda sux, anyone knows anymore story view platfroms with filters ?