Facebook Changes News Feed to Crack Down on Engagement Bait

“Facebook is making a change to the News Feed that will demote “engagement bait,” or posts that try to take advantage of Facebook’s system by asking users for likes and comments.”

Really? :rage:


Like if you are angry as @fuzileiro_2005


Will this also affect Instagram as well?

Is very probable. Remember the feed? First Facebook, then Instagram…

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We need an “LOL” button.

But seriously, this is a frustrating move.

How are they going to ‘filter’ these kind of posts so they now which ones are using the engagement bait tactic?
I, for example, run a page of an fitness group, the clients react to a facebook post os this page so the instructors know how many people will join their next trainingsession. But it’s never been explicit been asked to the clients to do this, the community just started doing this.
Will these kind of posts also get less reach?

Thank god. This was really annoying.