Facebook gets instant phone verification

facebook gets instant phone verification , i’ve created these accounts month ago they’re created with proxies and used with embeded browser , and after posting 1 link to group they got instantly banned / required for verification. The url’s are like weebly but well less known they were doing good but now i get instant ban. ;( i actually dont rly care because i’m trying to get in to instagram but instagram is also doing very bad … 10clicks after following near 2000 people , cant find anything that goes good with instagram… FUCK. What might be cause of FB banning my account instantly ?

  1. You haven’t warmed up your accounts on facebook properly by using different actions with your account on facebook (aged accounts will work better on facebook than fresh one… 1 month old accounts are considered fresh)
  2. Maybe your method of posting link is simply not working anymore… Facebook can follow link to it’s final destination… If it doesn’t like what it sees there, it will block you if you are trying to post it multiple times.
  3. Phone verification on both instagram and facebook are one of standard verification checks and are one of most easiest ones to solve… Basically what I am saying, if you are trying to promote anything on facebook or instagram getting phone verifications from time to time is perfectly normal.

exact same reason i left facebook but i cant rly advise you on neither of these coz my instagram journey sucks dick too. I can’t seem to figure out how to get traffic on these cpa offers. Seems like people dont believe it anymore and it is just not worth it but i’m still trying to figure out. Goodluck with your stuff though.

Which kind of CPAs do you promote - NSFW? I face the same problem - CPA sucks big since last year summer - does not matter which social network

@info6943 at exactly do you mean by “NSFW” ? I currently try to promote various email submit cpa offers from adworkmedia , tried to look for alternatives in other networks also , still not getting even close to fairly good results.
Found 1 app that was doing well but fml it only exists on CpaLead and they threat it like “remove it bring it back whenever we like” so the only way to promote this would be paid traffic but fml the payout is not 20$ or so , it’s only 0,75c - 0,95c so i don’t think i have any way right now to do it like that. Other then that my thoughts were spinning arround “Free trial” offers and so on but thing with them is , you can’t kind of get any impression with having only 15 accounts , and it still would be pain in the ass to rebrand 100 accounts each week , i dunno it sucks , i don’t get all this IG game ;/