🤬 Facebook is hiding links from users!😱

Hi everyone, I noticed that fb is doing something worse than blocking links.

Now they are hiding the link from people.

I say worse because agent is wasting a crucial time trying to show the link to someone interested in some product without success.

Has anyone noticed this or is experiencing the same problem?

can you show a screenshot or an example?

Where is this happening exactly? in posts? ads? comments? link previews?

I do not know how they are hiding the links.
This is happening in the chat, groups posts and notes even being inside the profile.

I do not know if this is happening with all the users, but they came to ask me for a link to a product that I left in a note on my profile and said that they are not seeing anything there.

And when I pass the same link through the chat people can not see them.

I see the links I send to clients.

Im not seeing link previews in fb messenger chats however.

I know fb doesnt like it when users leave their platform. so it may be an update or something?

Yes I also see my links, but my clients say they are not seeing anything.

It may be ghosted