Facebook Jarvee settings

Anyone interested in sharing some Facebook Jarvee settings that work for them? I also had a tough time getting logged in and authenticated. Any help would be appreciated!!

Everything you need is right on this forum! https://mpsocial.com/search?q=settings%20category%3A5


To be fair, most discussions for Facebook are quite outdated, from what I’m aware of anyway. Some might be still fine, but some stuff is from years ago when posting heaps in groups was possible. Now those limits are much more tough. I’m not focusing on Facebook now though. But I’d double check any of the settings suggested from the past and ensure they’re still current.

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Is anybody focused on facebook? maybe they could provide some settings that worked recently.

I am doing 30 posts a day with a 2 hour sleep after 5-10. No Problem yet.

I miss the good old days, where you could post to over 1, 000 fb groups a day with no problem


@trew421 @benny Could you please share where are you buying FB accounts from to post in groups ?
Or are you creating+ warming up themselves?
I intend to sell IG Growth services via FB groups.
I have not been able to find a working setup of Facebook Groups+ Jarvee .
i am restricted to view those topics here.

For what it’s worth, @chris.mccarston was doing Facebook full time, said he was earning a main income from that but in recent months it simply doesn’t work for what he was doing anymore, which was group posts from what I understand. I think the main hurdle was that Facebook can just be so strict with accounts and the way they’re setup, and probably the limitations too. So I know if I were you and about to get going with it I would talk to somebody like that, who has done it successfully recently so that you can find out what does and does not work, because it could be possible that you’re about to try many of the same things which have been proven to not work. Or it could at least give you ideas of what to avoid. That is if Chris feels like sharing at the moment. :grin:


I think the smart thing would be to focus on Instagram, they’re focusing on increasing user base anyways , so lot less strict that mature platform facebook.
A lot of people are earning full time from IG .
I just am trying everyday to get some clients , so far zero takers. IG organic reach is still , i think best among all social media platforms. So an income can be built around doing that at scale.
Thanks Mark :slight_smile: