FAQ with an Instagram employee

Here is a video of someone doing the marketing stuff on Instagram, few basic tricks non relevant and then at the end of the video he answer to questions like “do instagram business accounts affects your reach or not” ect…
quite interesting, a lot of bullshit imo but yea at least we see someone from Instagram

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGgy9-TAZZQ&list=WL&index=7

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Thanks for sharing this. Yeah I doubt that these people will be completely honest about how their system works. He’s also pretty vague at points. Nice share though!

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I´d even say most people working at Instagram might not know exactly how the Algorithm works. I always felt when I had a call with someone working at Google for Doing Advertising that they were surprisingly uneducated about their own platform…

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Keep the workers like Mushrooms… In the dark and fed…