FB Audience Extractor

Is this a verified tool? The website doesn’t look appealing at all.


We scrape all via jarvee.

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Agreed. Use Jarvee :wink:


what type of data that you need?

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emails and phone numbers

if you dont use jarvee you can try faceboook audience blaster or facebook simple audiens.

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Is jarvee similar with hootsuite?

Day and Night.
Test it.


What do I do with all the data? I’m trying to get my app to 5000 downloads

that’s also will be good for u :slight_smile:

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I am working on creating a facebook page that promotes events for night clubs, there is a way to use Jarvee to invite the audience from other nightclub to follow my page/group? Or maybe to target the same audience?
Thank you

email and mobile phone number?

Create look alike audience based your data.
Dont forget to set the location if your app location based and age of your target.

Try messing around with JV

use Jarvee bro

I would use J. if I were you to be honest :slight_smile:

as far as I know, you can Friend Request people that liked the the other nightclub fan page and as they accept your friend request then you can invite them to like your page.
I dont know if there is a way to invite those people without them being a friend on your facebook acount. What I’m doing to accomplish similar goal is having like 3 or 4 accounta being administrator of the fan page I want to grow and use those accounts to friend request different people that liked the competitors fan page or joined related groups. Then as the accounts get those new friends they can invite for liking the page.

how to get simple audience access token ?
my access token not wotking after password chage but i want make new one please help