Feedback required - Blocks

Hello members,

I’m new to forúm, I’m Brazilian and I do not use Jarvee, I have an application of my own and I’ve been working with my team to find out things, perform tests and find a possible solution to the latest instagram updates.

We are currently improving its API by fully simulating application behavior and always retaining the current version of the official instagram application. As soon as we have interesting information, I’ll post it here.

Today I have received many blocks “feedback_required”

Action to follow =>

{"message": "feedback_required", "spam": true, "feedback_title": "Action Blocked", "feedback_message": "This action was blocked. Tell us if you think we made a mistake. "," Feedback_url ":" repute / report_problem / instagram_follow_users / "," feedback_appeal_label ":" Tell us "," feedback_ignore_label ":" OK "," feedback_action ":" report_problem " "status": "fail"}

Action of link =>

{"message": "feedback_required", "spam": true, "feedback_title": "Action Blocked", "feedback_message": "This action was blocked. "Report_problem / instagram_like_add /", "feedback_appeal_label": "Tell us", "feedback_ignore_label": "OK", "feedback_action": "report_problem", "report_problem" "status": "fail"}

Are you receiving this block?
How many per day?

Thank you!


Bump for visibility.