Fitness Advice Thread

It depends on how well established the gym is. Whether its a small gym or franchised brand.

Big franchises can use influencers that train there to help grow while smaller gyms need to figure out what they want from social media.

  1. More leads and sales: If this is the goal then you want to do sponsered posts and advertise deals, bring a friend for free fridays, no joining free in Jan etc.

  2. Social Proof: A small gym probably won’t create a big following. But you can create a tribe of loyal fans. So, as you said getting members to tag themselves etc. Showing informative videos from the personal trainers.
    Doing milestones etc.

The gym I work for is the biggest franchise in New Zealand and has clubs in Canada. We have 8k followers and they don’t put much effort into instagram. We don’t get people to tag themselves. Its all sponsored ads and billboards for lead generation.

While I also worked for a struggling gym and they used IG to try and bring people in. Contests etc.

So, it really depends what the goal is.


That is Brazilian or Japanese Jiu Jitsu you practise? With gi or no gi? Been watching some training videos lately. Seems awesome. Indeed functional compared to other martial arts.


BJJ is my favorite martial arts I’ve done. A lot more skill and less luck involved. I trained mostly no gi myself and I find gi a lot more difficult as I am not versed in the counters and transitions the Gi gives. Ie the time I rolled in a gi I got a cross choke done to me within minutes and I’m a pretty good grappler no Gi


I bet it is difficult. I feel choked just by watching some of black belts doing their thing on youtube.
BJJ is definately hard and I believe a BJJ practioner has advantage when it comes to ground work.
Awesome thread you opened buddy!
Btw. who is you all time favorite bodybuilder?
Mine is Frank Zane from the golden era. :ok_hand:


Flex Lewis is my favorite. Seems like a cool guy!

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Brazilian. And I’ve practiced in both. I’m currently purple belt 1 stripe

That’s exactly what attracted me to it. I didn’t realize it at first but the fact that I can submit people of all sizes with just techniques, is amazing.

When I used to go 3-4 times a week, I felt like a beast and lost a lot of weight haha. You use your entire body. Even the warmups get your body in shape lol

Plus, it’s so fun to show people techniques (when this covid stuff ends eh?)


Incredible!. Wow purple belt1 stribe! Next is brown belt and then you are one feet away from black! Impressive bro! If not the best, then Bjj is for sure one the best martial arts for selfdefense imo. Even to take down much bigger opponents.

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Best guy who has been in 212 ever period. Can cause much damage in the open class.

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Yeah definitely. Was sad when he got injured this year. Happy Big Rammy won though