[FIXED] Anyone get this random confirm email page?

Hi all,

Recently I’ve been getting this random “Confirm your email to get back to IG” Page (Screenshot below).
Every time I click ‘Send Confirmation’, the screen goes black, and never receive the email.

I have tried the following, but nothing seems to work:

  • Change Email & Click ‘Send Confirmation’
  • Change Device IDs
  • Change Device IDs + Clear Cookies
  • Click Forgot Password?
  • Try to validate through the API with Email Confirmation

Has anyone else received this?

[UPDATE 6/29]:

This seems to be an IG error.

After 2 weeks of patiently waiting, it got fixed. Here are my results:

  • Total of 14 accounts had this error for more than 2 weeks.
  • 14/14 accounts are now back to normal as of 5 minutes ago
  • 9/14 Accounts were fixed by doing the EV as normal through the EB (No loops this time).
  • 4/14 Accounts no longer had the EV error and were asking for PV instead.
  • 1/14 Accounts asked for PV instead of showing the error, but after verifying via phone, the error came up again. Verified via email as required and all normal now.
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You can try to restore this account as usual or you can wait couple days and this error will be off.


I actually have at least 2 accounts that have had this error for more than 13 days now. I don’t think it will go away that easily

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I had the same issue and I still have with new accounts.

Couple I restored and rest of them error exchanged to PVs after few/ several ( :wink: ) days.

It’s another IG bug I think.

Can you share more information about the accs getting this may be we can find a pattern!!
What proxies do you use and actions setting?

i had the same issue and on an account that was closed i got a request to send all my photos to the email on file… there seems to be a new set of rules on recovering accounts. I would stop them and let them rest, they all seem to be geared towards making it nonviable for smm to recover their accounts. That is the bright side btw

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Interesting, thanks! I know that Jarvee a lot of the times says PV for these errors, but then fails to PV.
I might just wait a while then.

They are on either mobile or residential proxies (different providers). They were doing F/U with 200 actions max per day per tool + some story views.

Thanks! I think that’s what I’ll do :wink:

I have about 10 which are like this, some for weeks

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Yeah, I have 2 that have been like this for weeks. It’s like if it isn’t the follow block, it’s this… IG really trying hard to discourage us…


Just got it after a PV, seem a new measure of IG, things start to gt strange hhhhhh

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I had 3 accounts with this issue. On Jarvee, it shows a black screen the moment you hit the send confirmation button.
So I wanted to know what the issue is and tried open the accounts on my phone. So apparently the moment you try that on phone, it hits you with an “Oops, an error occurred” message.
Which to me looked like a deliberate banning of the accounts from Instagram.
Once you get this issue you can’t get out of it because:

  1. You can’t change your email at this point.
  2. Instagram doesn’t send a verification code or link to your email since it only directs you to an error page.

All I can say is forget that account. :love_you_gesture:t4:

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I try to reset IDs and proxy as well for many times. But seem likes it doesn’t work. Does anyone have solutions?
On the other hand, I think these accounts maybe got banned?

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I also think these accounts may be banned. However, I do have an update on this:

As of yesterday, after clicking submit, the browser is no longer black. In fact after clicking submit, the 'Insert code below" page shows up + I receive an email with a 6-digit code. So it now behaves as a normal email verification.
The only issue is that after inputting the code, I go back to the Confirm Email page.
So I’m now stuck on an EV loop…

Will keep you guys updated as I keep testing :slight_smile:


It might be possible to save the account connecting to it outside of Jarvee (via phone or what not) but I wouldn’t recommend bothering unless it’s an account you really really want to save. You might be better just putting it aside and wait to see if it disables, if so then you can run the process to get it unbanned and start using it again.

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Seems like all hope is not lost.
I actually discarded all the accounts that were in this situation.
Keep us posted though. If all goes well I’ll have to try reviving them.

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Yeah, same situation, I have no idea so far. Do you think it’s a bug?
But can’t Reset passwords when trying to find accounts on search bar -> “User not found”

That was a bug, I totally get out of this, maybe Instagram fixed it already.
No Email Loops, no loading page.
Just check it couple minutes ago!

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Yes just recently started noticing this - so annoying when you add emails to it and it loops.

I do believe there is a new page for banned accounts where you can download your data.

I posted this topic a few weeks ago in level 2.
Tried it with logging in with a real phone. It gives the same error.

Gave up the two affected accounts in the end, since they had the same message still after one month.
Now I have two more with this error.
IMO they are just banned

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Yes, it is definitely a bug as it now seems to be fixed. Here is my update and results after fixing @omarialex @Tradewolf @Instagrower @IG6 @socialgain

  • Total of 14 accounts had this error for more than 2 weeks.
  • 14/14 accounts are now back to normal as of 5 minutes ago
  • 9/14 Accounts were fixed by doing the EV as normal through the EB (No loops this time).
  • 4/14 Accounts no longer had the EV error and were asking for PV instead.
  • 1/14 Accounts asked for PV instead of showing the error, but after verifying via phone, the error came up again. Verified via email as required and all normal now.

Hope this helps!