Flood of IG sponsored personal accounts

This week my IG newsfeed is hit with tons of sponsored personal accounts. At least 2-5 per day. These accounts aren’t even that popular, followers in the 300-900 range with no bio link or business.

Is there some new IG promotion people are doing?


It’s just regular users sponsoring their posts like a business. I guess they want more attention.


sure, it just appears to be more than usual…

Or maybe the FB auctions have temporarily ran out of higher-paying advertising, and the .01 cpm bids are getting through?


LMAO this is too funny :skull_and_crossbones:

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im not sure, maybe youre part of their target demographic they want :stuck_out_tongue:

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did you follow many hashtags? on my accounts with zero follows of hashtags I see hardly any ads. ones that follow hashtags getting many.

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