Follow blocks on Instagram

How does a follow block on Instagram work? How do you avoid/recover from it? Is there anyway to avoid it when using Jarvee?

Follow blocks prevent you from following any more accounts on IG, for a limited period of time. It could be a block for a few hours to a few days depending on how severe it is.

Information regarding this matter is given in the forum and there are so many discussion threads regarding this particular matter. Please move around the forum, use the search option (trust me it’s great) and read the related topics.

I see you joined MP 3 days ago as of the time of posting this. I hope you learn a lot from this forum and will be able to contribute back.

Good luck.



Watch how quickly you follow or comment. If you have too short of time between follows and comments you will get temporary bans. Also take frequent breaks between follow sessions.

You used to be able to get a bot to do it for 24/7. Now, I find you need to take at least several hours off each day to make it look more natural.

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