Follow private users or ignore them?

Hey guys, I have one question: Do you guys ignore private users when botting f/u or follow them aswell? Like @Verona said in another thread, private users are private for a reason, maybe they don’t want to get spammed, so following to many private users might result in multiple reports?!
Any opinions? What do you guys think/do? :slight_smile:


I generally ignore them.


don’t follow them

it can lead to a bunch of pending follow requests that will eventually max out your ability to follow new people and are a pain to clear yourself


If you have a super filtered list of specific people you really want to engage with and they are private then go for it.

If it’s just general followers you are looking for then no as it will cause more issues than it’s worth, especially if they start leaving negative comments on your posts.


Ok thank you guys for replying, I guess it is better to straight up avoid them…

Definitely follow them, I am following them and unfollowing as well. They are real people and legit. Engage with them after they accept your request. They will engage with your content for sure.

@Akib_Saleh_Zihan yup I agree with you, often times private users are actually pretty engaging, but did you consider this point:

what do you think about that? :slight_smile:

Sure private users in general can also be engaged and great followers. They CAN be. But as already mentioned unless you consider them more valuable than normal accounts, why bother? Eventually you’ll also max out on follow requests

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Ignore them
13 char

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Will do so, thank you! :slight_smile:

Like everybody else, ignore them. The only exception is if they follow you and you decide to follow back.

They’re private for a reason, either they don’t want strangers following them or they get cranky and can’t handle people who f/uf.

Which reminds me of a bio I saw on the other day. Total arrogance, but people really do get mad:

I only follow back after 30 days

Good luck buddy, nobody will follow you in that case.


Should Ignore them

  1. Really strict enough to report you by some ways
  2. To hard to get follow back (more than usual)
  3. Not ready to buy or pay sth on IG (personal idea)

Nope, Ignore them not worth the headache associated with them

Recently I turned of following private users and guess what? I am getting better follow backs.

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I have always kept it both public and pvt but i would like to do some tests on some accounts to see what kind of result i am getting with just public.

also does anyone know how to cancel all pending pvt req?

I actually find when I follow private people for clients more often than not clients get a lot of “Who dis, do I know you” style of messages. Nothing bad but it is disruptive for the clients.

Ya can’t filter privates however I found they actually have a little higher follow back ratio. Other botters ignore them. Just watch out you don’t get many requests built up or it will bite ya later wondering why I can’t Follow anymore


I think it also really depends on the niche. When you have a dog/cats/pets page there will be for sure a lot private users who will follow back. But in niches like luxury/fitness/babes for example I would not follow private users.

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As roy said, it deppends on whome you follow and what niche. If you are into games niche or which involvees kids dont worry about it, you can follow private users too. If you are into some niche which involves adults mostly i wouldnt recommand following private users.

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The only answer for this question is a word of 4 letters : it starts with ‘t’ and ends with ‘s’.