Follow tool turn off itself?!

Heu guys!

Something really weird is happening with my follow tool.
In the past three days, when I go to check how the tools work, I see that the following tool is off, and I DIDNT do it?!
At first, I thought maybe I forgot that I did it, but no! I tracked it for the last three days and it keeps happening.

Somebody knows why? how? something?

Have you enabled stop tool if temp. blocked option?

Do you have automatic follow/unfollow enabled?

@Micky & @runninx77 may be onto something.

Try the following:

  • Check the dashboard for the account who is stopped - there may be an error / action block notification
  • Check if you’re action blocked
  • Double check the times of day you’ve set for it to run, and days of the week
  • Check the proxy for the account
  • Check that it’s in a valid state - even if it says valid; still check that you can view profile details
  • Check that you have sources for the follow tool

If none of the above checks give you an answer, try one of the following:

  • Clear the account cookies
  • Reset the device ID
  • Click the new relogin button
  • Manually log out and in
  • Restart Jarvee