[For Entrepreneurs] Value of Reputation and how to build it quickly when you have little experience in the field

Hi all,

Found a very informative reddit post with great information on how to build a good reputation quickly and thought I might share it.

Here it is : https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/bqrpy3/young_entrepreneurs_value_of_reputation_and_how/

The key takeaway for me was that the reputation of your business does not revolve on you only, it revolves on the collective members of your business.
So if you’re starting out, approach experts in your field and ask them to be ‘advisors’ in exchange for a commission or shares in your company

Please let me know what you think :smiley:

Hope this is useful for all the entrepreneurs out there!


thanks but #redditdown

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My pleasure, hope it was helpful!

Trust and reputation will always be the bread and butter of any business or venture. Mentors that will help can facilitate your journey but you would still have to do the hard work. And if you succeed, your mentor gets to say you were his mentee haha.
Thanks for the share!

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Haha exactly, it’s like a win-win for both mentors and mentees

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Such an amazing information. Thank you for sharing.