For how long is an IP "marked" by Instagram?

So let’s say i’m scraping or automating my child accounts, and i’m using a static residential proxy. I understand that if I’m using 3-4 accounts at the same time, they will most likely get blocked / banned.

How long is it ideal to wait, to let the IP “rest” after using 1 account and then proceed to the next one? Would 24 hours be enough?

I would say at least 48 hours. But that’s just my opinion. Perhaps others think differently. We’ll see.

That’s hard to say these days ig is on hunting.
Try be more random give 24 days once after u are shifting again to another let it be 36hrs next 48 (means keep it random it will look more human and normal)
That’s what I think - not creating a pattern of let’s say only 24 hours or 48 hours.
Let me know if someone else has some views on this.:sweat_smile:

Yeah, patterns are definitely something that helps IG to decide what accounts to go after.

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yeah, you should not use accounts at the same exact time, try to put some time between your operation and make sure to stay below 3 accounts per IP, not 24 hours that’s too much.

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