For Scrapers, can J not follow same user twice?

Hi guys, question for those scraping…

Was wondering how you manage your duplicates?
Is there a way for J to not follow the same user twice?

Just stuck at this part and cant figure it out.
From the previous posts via search, it looks like most of you guys are copying List 1 into excel. Then after you finish following all of List 1, you scrape a List 2. Combine List 1 and List 2 and remove duplicates. Then do I paste in to J where List 1 ends?

Duplicates is easy, but looks like we are manually import/export lists and manually finding where to continue off from when new names are added?

Any help is appreciated!

Did you mean not follow the same user across different accounts?

If so, then go into Settings, then Social Platform tab, then Instagram, and find “Enable Follow different users across all accounts” or “Enable scrape different users across all accounts”

If not, then wouldn’t JV just ignore the user if its been followed already? Just an assumption.

Hi Jovsto, thanks for the help.

No, not across all accounts.

If not, then wouldn’t JV just ignore the user if its been followed already? Just an assumption. - thats correct, exactly it.

Because I am wondering say I scrape and input List 1 0001 to 9000 accounts to follow. It finishes all those names, I scrape again and make List 2. I combine both List 1 and List 2 then remove duplicates. Now I have List 3. Do I just go ahead and input List 3 in to follow? Or do I have to manually find 9001 and upwards into the list?

Just wondering if scraper guys know… thanks!