For which purposes are you using MP?


Just curious, for which purposes are you guys using MP? Is it mainly to promote CPA offers?
Or do you run a small webshop for instance ? :smile:

Instagram is “the thing” today, probably most popular network among Mass Planner users at the moment and perfect for CPA :slight_smile: so, yes, a lot of users are promoting CPA.

Anyway, it’s used for all kind of purposes. Some users only want to build their brand’s social presence, some look to make sales on their e-commerce sites, others promote CPA offers while there are also users promoting classic websites with adsense (or similar ad programs) on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

I’m using Mass Planner to promote my anime sites and help my neighbors get more customers for their local business. I’m getting good results in the process


I just started using it recently to see how many followers I could get on instagram. :slight_smile: I’ll think about monetizing in the future. I imagine CPA would be the way to go for that!


Instagram, Instagram, Instagram

CPA, Affiliate, Business Advertising (my own business & other business), Brand Awareness, Product Awareness, Selling, and a few others that are used for my little secret.