Fortnite or pubg stay or move

which should stay fortnite or pubg /???

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fortnite for sure

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stay away :roll_eyes:

What’s fortnite? What’s pubg? Some new social networks?


Fortnite but only squads with friends- I don’t really find the game to be very fun playing solo. PUBG just doesn’t look as fun as Fortnite to me but I’ve never played it.

PUBG is terrible, and the developers are incompetent. They only care about selling more copies of the game and never fixing any bugs or problems. Can’t get into Fortnite because of the goofy cartoon feel, and the narrow field of view, but at least the focus on building/construction (and the fact that it’s free) is a positive.

However, screw them both. An awful game genre due to RNG addiction, which is basically being the gaming equivalent of lottery or slot machines.


im just impressed how they are scaling these games into mobile devices…

‘Fortnite’ Is Earning $1M A Day On Mobile, Players Are Spending More Time With It Than Tinder"

$1M A Day !!