[Free] 8.000+ Outlook Emails with POP3

Sent :slight_smile:

Hey @schoko - interested too. Thanks for sharing with our community :clap:t2:

Me like free stuffs

Would love some outlook emails! Thank you so much!

I would love some scrapers!

All caught up

I love you! Gimme that please :slight_smile:

interested! please send!!

Nice one, thanks! :pray::pray::+1:

Interested, thanks a lot ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Interested! Thanks a lot

Done :slight_smile:

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Interested! Thanks in advance

Hey Schoko,
I’m down, thank you very much in advance

That’s nice of you. I would love some.

Awesome! Would love 50 to test if you do not mind, thank you kindly :slightly_smiling_face:

Interested, can I please get some accounts? Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d be very happy to get some, thanks a lot for the giveaway!

All caught up :slight_smile:

Since some had issues with this:
I would always recommend checking Emails accounts via the webinterface or some tool that automates this. Some providers lock accounts once they have gone dormant and then they need to be reactivated (Mail.ru, Outlook)
It also helps you identify accounts that need a PV or similar verification methods.

For POP3, Microsoft recommends the followng settings:

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can I please get some accounts? Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: