[FREE] Scraping, Spintax, Proxy Tools [Web Based]

Hi everyone,

I’ve been working on making a small little directory with useful tools that any internet marketer can use for their journey. I hope this is helpful to everyone as much as it is to me.

:white_check_mark: Email Content Fetcher : https://tools.frenzied-solutions.com/emailcontent.html - You can use this tool to fetch either Instagram/Twitter verification codes or full emails.
:white_check_mark: Request Compare : https://tools.frenzied-solutions.com/requestcompare.html - This is for developers. Specifically if you use Fiddler, you can compare 2 requests.
:white_check_mark: Spintax : https://tools.frenzied-solutions.com/spintax.html - Use this tool to get all the combinations of a Spintax string. You can use this if your software needs lines.
:white_check_mark: Proxy Checker : https://tools.frenzied-solutions.com/proxychecker.html - Check your working / non working proxies and export them / copy them to your clipboard.
:white_check_mark: Proxy Quality : https://tools.frenzied-solutions.com/proxyquality.html - Check whether a proxy has previous IP / SPAM reports & will work for account creation, for example.
:white_check_mark: Proxy Extractor : https://tools.frenzied-solutions.com/proxyextractor.html - Ever needed to extract proxies from a large text file? This supports both non auth and auth.
:white_check_mark: Proxy Port Increaser : https://tools.frenzied-solutions.com/proxyportincreaser.html - Increase the port at the end of your proxy (text formatting) to import into software.

Example Feature:



very useful tools … thank you

No worries, if you have any suggestions for other tools, let me know :slight_smile:

paypal generator :sweat_smile:

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