Free VPN for 1 year with windscribe


See this posted on hotdeals and just tested it myself it’s 100% working as of today (13/05/19) 50GB/data limit per month for 1 year free with this code so though I would share it :slight_smile:

50 GB free per month for 1 year on VPN Windscribe with coupon code KOMPUTER .

You enter the code at registration, you must confirm the e-mail address to get the 50GB a month allowance.


yep working, used it 1 year ago, so i just logged in my account, added the code and got it, nice share, can always be useful.
btw went from 2gb to 50, didn’t confirmed the email

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I haven’t used them before so i had to sign up (with email) to get the increased limit. Glad it worked for you tho!

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Thanks for sharing!

not to be a nay sayer here, but this seems awfully sketchy.

Let me quickly preface by saying I’ve been in the info sec industry for nearly 7 years. The fact that they require a download to connect to the vpn is very odd. Especially when they require a package be installed for linux.

Dropping a .ovpn file is sufficient for all the other reputable providers…so why not this one?

Additionally, regarding log retention they only state: “We store when you last used Windscribe as well as the total amount of bandwidth used in a 30 day period to enforce free tier limitations and prevent abuse. This is a rolling counter and is not kept historically.”

FWIW this is often enough to determine activity. Just saying.

Since most of this forum focuses on for VPN and proxy usage for masking origin, that may be enough. But just thought I’d throw out that word of caution.


Thanks for the info mate! Its still a good option for a freebee depending how hidden you want to be!

Thanks for sharing!
Even if I agree with what @korprit said, this VPN could be used for testing purposes. It’s always good to have some VPN to play with.

are you guys using linux?

I use linux almost exclusively

I use Windows / Mac