What’s our offer?
100% Dedicated / Private
Unique 4G SIM card & device for every user with fresh, clean IP (no sharing!)
Unlimited Social Media Data Usage
On Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok & Pinterest.
Located in FRANCE
High IP trust score & population density! Paris is the city of
ISPs: Bouygues Telecom, Orange, SFR.
**Plans are 50 Go per month, after consuming all the 50 Go: limited speed .
50$ USD / Month
Payment via PayPal subscription / credit or debit card.
Yes! For bulk order depending on Offer & Demand.
How to order?
PM me on here or skype me at: support@igelites.net
Delivery Time?
Usually within 48-72 hours, I do set up and test each sim, device and proxy per customer though so please bear this in mind.
Each proxy and device I set up by hand on a customer by customer basis. However I do have some dedicated trial proxies - if you want a trial I can give you a 24 hour exclusive access slot to try out one of these. Just drop me a PM or post in this thread “Let Me Try It!” and I’ll PM you.
How many accounts can I run on one proxy?
10 acccounts when you divide the 24 hours into 2 chunks:
You run 5 accounts for 12h then stop them for the next 12h, then you run the 5 other accounts for the next 12h.
Do the IPs rotate?
Our proxies are tied to one distinct device so they change as much as they would do on a normal mobile phone.
Can I access other URLs?
Maybe, depending on the site - please get in touch.
Once I’ve set up your proxy and verified it’s working correctly it’s yours to do with what you want! For this reason I will only provide replacements in the event that the proxy stops functioning.
Proxy Troubleshooting Steps:
Step1: Check your internet connection.
Step2: Make sure to use http s ://www.instagram.com/ in the field URL to use to verify the proxies , on top right corner of the proxy manager dashboard.
Step3: When you copy paste the proxy url you may have “http://” at the begenning and “/” at the end so make sure to remove “http://” at the begenning and “/” at the end of the proxy url.
You may also copy some white spaces so make sure to remove them.
Step4: Make sure to add the account to the proxy and that the proxy details are the same between the profile dashboard and the proxy manager dashboard.
Step5: Try to connect to the account. If you are not able, try using the Embeeded Browser. It may be valid in your Tool and invalid in the browser.
HAPPY to answer any questions!