French influencer looking for method to grow following and engagement

I am a fashion luxury influencer based in Paris and looking for growing my following and engagement. I know many girls are using method to grow about 300 follower per day ( not buying as they are real active followers)

I have been buying followers but I keep losing them , waste of money and time

Help please!

Never buy Followers , they will hurt your reach and engagement because they will never engage with you and Instagram will think your content sucks and you will not get into Explore or even home page .

To Grow your account you will need to be Noticed by other people

And You can be noticed by doing this method

1- Buy Jarvee
2- Buy VPS
3- Buy Mobile Proxy
4- Add your account Jarvee
5- Setup Your account to Follow / Unfollow People
6- Setup Your Target Sources ( it has to be Targeted towards active users who engage with your Competitors )
7- Set speed to 20 Follow/unfollow A Day and Increase each day with 10 until 450 Max

Learn how to setup everything by reading this post


Many thanks for your reply, however If I do follow unfollow brands I am working with can see it on the analytics and I won’t get jobs

Mentioned over and I will mention it again, NEVER buy followers. It does nothing but hurt your account. If you create an audience that is large enough with high enough engagement, eventually you won’t need f/u and organic growth can be even faster. Ghost followers and buying followers is a super efficient way to make this never happen.

About your question, it has been answered about a million times so the search bar is your best friend, just click this nice little button and off you go: Capture

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How can they see it?

with social blade

I’m not too familiar with this site but it doesn’t seem like it tracks how many account you follow and unfollow, only followings, which isn’t a problem as Jarvee keeps that number steady.

This is a lot worse than follow/unfollow for brands. You are better off doing follow/unfollow than buying fake followers that bring you no value and also bring you no business.

Brands audit for real followers more than follow/unfollow methods. :wink:

You need either @Babs @dma0245 @thekingwillwhip @EmpireNetwork or any number of people to set you up. 300 per day is not going to be cheap.


Everyone has different definitions of cheap…

But yeah it’s not cheap :relieved:


300 per day is looking at around 100 slaves = $500 a month minimum


And how can can we start that?

A lot of people like what @dma0245 and @thekingwillwhip have to offer. @empirenetwork and @babs too!

I am actually wondering, it is not allowed to sell here on the threads right? And also not to send dms to people looking for the m/c method I suppose? I am wondering how I can get my first clients for this method now that I don’t have a big name regarding this service yet, like people mentioned above do… :slight_smile:
I am talking about mpsocial obviously, I know I can find clients in other forums, dm them directly on IG etc…
Thank you guys!

That is correct.

Users here cannot sell unless they have an authorized sales thread by @Adnan. PM’ing random people directly about buying your services is extremely frowned upon here as well. (not just you I mean, but in general)


Ok noted, thank you for letting me know, prefer the slower, but more long-term thinking path :slight_smile:


Why can’t user’s like me view sales threads?

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This should explain just about everything you need to know about user levels my friend :slight_smile:

100 slaves to grow 300 followers per day? That seems far too generous no? If following the DM variant, you’ll be lucky to be getting a 0.25% growth to action ratio in my experience. One slave yields about 1 follower per day.

It’s always the big question. It can vary a lot depending on many factors, from the niche, to the accounts quality and the kind of DM you send.

From my experience, +1 to +5 followers / child acc. / day in 2021

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