Gary Vee uses proxies

You heard what he said guys :joy::+1:

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I think he uses Harry’s proxies: Proxies for client management

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Of course he do.

Haha definetly

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lol how old is that pic? Love the dude :slight_smile:

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I like his approach to.
I dont know, found this by accident while searching for a Gary Vee meme haha :joy:
This was pretty hard because there are not much of them in google pictures

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Don’t agree with him on everything, but almost haha…

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I’m not too, otherwise I wouldnt be a member of the forum. But the overall message is definitely right. Branding and content for example. Trust is a big factor when it comes to selling. So in the long run a well built brand will always do better then just something based on ads/marketing. When you know what I mean.

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I do and I definetly agree! If you want a longterm brand you need more thank just sales and marketing!
Quick money is nice but won’t help longterm!

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lol you did that yourself, admit it haha…

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This is really inspiring stuff, doing this just for fun :smile: simple garage sale

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