G'day Everyone! Time for me to stop lurking

I have been using MP for about 6 months to help promote my ecommerce stores. Been a lot of fun learning how everything works but with what has been happening over the last few days i thought i was about time i started getting my hands dirty and do more that just lurk here so that i can REALLY learn and succeed.

Anyways, greetings from Australia!


G’Day and welcome to the forum!


Welcome and looking forward to your shares :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum! Keep us posted on your journey and learnings!

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Welcome. Were your ecommerce ventures successful?

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Welcome bro!
Looking forward seeing you on the forum.

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I have been making around 3k a month for the last couple of months and still growing. Took awhile to get to this point though but i’m starting to figure things out and feel like there is a lot of potential money for me to make.


Good to hear that :slight_smile: welcome to MPsocial

thanks mate :+1:

Welcome along, it’s a great community here and you get out if it what you put it, glad to see you decided to stop lurking and join in the conversation!

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Welcome aboard!

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lol i have never even seen a koala in real life before.

I am waiting for some HQ shares mate! I want to visit Australia in a holiday at 1 time when I can afford the tip :smile:

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Welcome to the forum!

me too :wink: wonderful country.

@matt6017 glad to see ya pal :slight_smile:

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Welcome!!! I know the lurking feeling sometimes you think you just do not have much to contribute but everyone’s tips, feedback, sharing ventures all help.
I’m rarely on here but trying to to join in on here more often when I have the time.

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Fellow lurker here too (sometimes) lol. Welcome! I have clients from Australia!

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welcome to the forum. Thanks for coming out from the dark :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum. Hopefully you can join us in the Private forum section soon.

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Welcome aboard, happy you decided to stop lurking eheh

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