Hello , I want to ask somebody if can help me getting this username, This account is super inactive in Instagram, and I want to get this username because with this username I can grow in my business and Instagram, If anybody can help me , I’m ready to pay too . Thank You ,
Have you tried messaging it?
Yes man I tried but he doesn’t respond because he is inactive, I writed to Instagram to give me that account but they respond with "
We can’t give you access to this account or continue with your request because we haven’t received an acceptable ID that matches the information listed on the account."
Have you any Idea how can I get it ?
You can not. As simple as it gets.
Why is it important to you that much? What can you achieve with it?
Im gonna sell it 500€ to a friend, you should ask him why is to important
If the account is deactivated, can I get the username?
Deactivated accounts are still ‘there’ and could be reactived at any given time, so also negative on that
It can be done, but I don’t know ANY plug who would claim a user for under $500 euros so you can make a profit…
Echo was paradox says. It can be done and I know services out there who can do it. But they are way above 500 euro.