[ GIVAWAY ] 50 ig accounts

Lets start guys
I have 50 IG Accounts for giveway and you will get those:-

  1. One profile and one post with bio
  2. Imap/pop enabled

Accounts are created with mails outlook/hotmail.
Emails accounts are pop/imap having pv done
You can log in directly with ev/pv. I reccomend 4g proxies for the best result. Depending on your usage, typical scraper setting would make sence

If you want share of those accounts, its your lucky day😊
Drop a msg in this thread and you will get 3 of those accounts via PM.
Dont msg me via PM
Keep 3 or all…

send me plzzz :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sent check it out

Hi! Please send me this too! Thank you

Send me please

I’m interested too. Thanks for the giveaway :slight_smile:

I am down send to me!!

can you send me, please?

Thank you

Yes please :innocent:

Thanks man

So who is the 0.67th user after the first 16? :thinking:

I’ll take a couple please


I’d like to have some accounts. Thank you!

Best Regards

I`m in for the 3 accounts.

Need some new scrapers to burn, cheers :fire:

Edit - guess I won’t be getting them :man_shrugging: :sweat_smile:


please send me at least one acc.