God-Like Settings for Jarvee Follows OMG

So if the intervals are in place, do I still need to have wait times there?

Do you mean grow your instagram account?

The reason I was asking is because the price is extremely low… only $20 to grow an account. It wouldn’t even cover the jarvee license for the most basic package. So basically whoever took that on would be paying YOU to grow your account




Right! And even that is conservative. Certainly not for any advanced growing methods, like M/s

Jarvee is only one of the costs to cover, there are other like proxy or vps… not even talking about paying that person as you are only referring to costs for the software itself…

You’re not only paying to cover expenses, you’re also paying for time+experience+convenience+results.

@Yellow it’s free buddy we’re just messing with you, truth is we just love doing this.

You just joined 4 hour ago and already lowballing :joy: But seriously, search through the forum to see what people are charging to get a better idea

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Just providing an update about my current situation

  • Personal business account, home IP, running ads around 7 days in a month.
  • Automation limited to like, follow, unfollow. Warmed up following the suggestions provided by the automation team and increased settings in the end of April.
  • Running between 11 and 13 hours per day, 250 avg follows per day, 240 avg likes per day and using EB.
  • Account was older 6 months when received a temp like action block in May 21. Waited, restarted, blocked again. Unchecked the function “like post after follow” all good.
  • Blocked 3 times in a row during the block wave of June 5th (+/-)
  • ID reset and restarted in June 14th by adding the execution time slots that you can see in this post but with a lesser number of executions, around 2-3 less. I was following 40-50 as avg per day, running the tool 9-10 hours per day.
  • It didn’t works anyway. July 1st I’ve been blocked with the common problems, first the block in EB resolvable by deleting cookies and lately in July 14th with the function logout/login introduced in the tool update.
  • I’ve tried to manual follow via browser but the scraping function it’s not this cream, the import had problems, the unfollow process was too articulated and I stopped. IG continued to block my browser experience from PC other 2 times. I suspect that the block was related with the starting of the automation tool, I mean just the simple scraping.
  • With the idea of giving a last try before abandon the tool, I’ve started again with like automation in July 23th so far so good. Added several execution times also for likes automation. Currently 28 avg per day. No ID reset. Switched to API and EB only when action blocked. EB logout/login checked.
  • Follow automation started in July 25th, so far so good. 13 execution time slots, running for 11-12 hour. Currently 29 follow avg.

Update: And so today I’ve been blocked, on likes and follows.



I flagged you for a ban, 20$ a month is an insult to this forum. Everyone else flag!!!


You would need to make your intervals larger or reset them if you want to avoid this issue.

Another alternative is to make your randomize a little smaller (e.g. 20 minutes)


Guys I need some help understanding this.

I get a few temp blocks every day but if I go to the embedded browser I’m able to do actions.

Why it shows a temp block then?

  1. So just to understand you better. Following specific users and not using the “Follow followers of …” in Jarvee helps you gain higher results or it doesn’t make any difference ??

  2. Where do you see visually the pictures alt tags? I’m a code writer and I would like to create a script also :slight_smile:

but isnt it random at all? or do they stay in specific range? i mean after some days they will crash into eachother again, or am I wrong?

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i hope this is bad humour
however it is hilarious


I won’t do it for $2000/mo/client as it’s an impossible task

Have you ever ran into EB crashed error?



Thanks Chris for your tips in the video.

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