Going Manual , is there any Software connect to cellphone doing follow and unfollow

instead of buying hundred of cellphones , you can hire 100 of people with cellphone who can do actions for you thats what we are doing we are handling 100 of accounts manually

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Correct, no manual actions. All automated. We are balancing the number of accounts/modem based on the health of accounts. If they got the AC we’d put 1 or 2 on a modem usually.

what do you mean about if acc get AC.you put 1 or 2 on a modem? all acc you run using real android phone right? and connect using simcard on your cellphone or connect using other mobile modem?
its better connect to the modem or connect using simcard phone?

To everyone doing follow and unfollow.

Have you guys found an efficient way to unfollow but keep the ones that followed back?

sorry I didn’t read the all topic
but by reading the title i understand you looking for an automation app for android

i use to have one before some time (i never use it to be honest because jarvee works good that time)
if you need i can find it for you …


Yes bro as far as no blocks or any restrictions on the accs

yes we still need android cellphonr for follow and like.but using other app help for follow and like

would be interesting to see if and how far past he 30/6000 you’re able to get.

Hey man do you have links on your accs ?

Can’t give out clients acc but am working in this ones now @melenialtalk @makeupleads @estimatedsoccer at least those three

Does the 6000/30 follow hard limit still apply or you can do more than that?


this is the name of the android app
but i never try it before


Wish going manual was not such a reality

Maybe pay some Indians to do it?