Good quality email provider for instagram accounts

Does anyone know a good email account seller?

I want to create ig pages with them so these are the requirements:

  • may not get disabled randomly
  • should be transferable in case I want to sell the ig account together with the original email

I bought 100 from but one got disabled already making me lose a 45k account. So I don’t want to buy from them again.


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Why dont you buy ig accs with emails attacged? Much better:slight_smile:
Try rediffmail. Works for me.

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I thought about that but I figured buying ig accounts is more risky than buying email and creating the ig accounts yourself. Can you recommend any ig account seller?

Making ig accs is a pain in the a… . I bought a lot and never had any troubles with safety stuff. Try

which option did you take on that page?

Instagram aged red for 1$. But think they wre out if stock

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Two further ones I personally had good experiences with so far:

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Why bother with emails when u can do the gmail trick? Here is the program , then you put your gmail in there and the program will make thounsands of the same account with dots between the letters so insta take it as a whole new email… and u get all the emails to the same inbox. Have used this trick since i started and it works flawlessly

and then, surprisingly all your instagram accounts get linked and banned… because this trick is outdated and very dangerous to create instagram accounts. you may use this trick somewhere else, but not for instagram

Flawlessly ? I also used that trick. Till I saw that Instagram started to recommend me “friends” using the same gmail address. And with Twitter it was the same…

Works just as good as when i used 10 email aliases that you can use with gmx.

Lmao you must had many accounts. I must point out iam doing churn n burn…For people with that handle other peoples account and whitehat it mightbe better to use other ways( just wanted to point that out)

rediffmail is what I usually use as well