Greetings, I'm new here

Realized I never created my introduction topic so here it is.

  • *** what’s your social media experience**
  • *** are you using any social site in particular**
  • *** any success with it?**
  • *** what do you expect to get from our community?**
  • *** what do you think you can offer our community?**
  • *** anything else you want to share**

-I am familiar with social media, I am new however to using tools like jarvee
-I use FB, IG, LI, TW, and SC
-Yeah some success, do SMM for brick and mortars and they only complain when they have to pay me
-I expect to gain knowledge in using tools and understanding deeper how to not get flagged by IG :joy:
-I can offer what I know as well as some funny ass meme’s and GIF

Happy to help where I can and happy for those who are giving and help noobs like me. Thank you for this beautiful forum to the creators


Welcome to the forum. Congrats with your smm success. Please don’t hesitate if you have questions about jarvee. We are happy to help


Welcome as you already know this is THE SPOT for social media. Jarvee is a great tool will help any way I can. Been using Jarvee for IG for several months once I get comfortable with IG gonna tackle another platform, lots of fun :sunglasses::heavy_check_mark:


Now you’re speaking Mine, @wortime and @Ian’s language :smiley: :smiley:

just dont post too many or admins will getchuh!

Happy to see someone w/o botting experience w/ experience in other platforms.

Welcome to MPsocial mate! Jarvee will be the most powerful SMM Tool you’ll touch!


Welcome to the gang - now lets get rich together!