[GUIDE] How to crush your competitors 😈

Hello Mpsocial

Today I will share with you a dirty technique that I’ve used when I had to profile hundreds of accounts daily and couldn’t keep up with my follow/like sources research.

So I found a way of scraping my competitor’s sources using Jarvee.

You can use this even if you don’t need plenty of sources, but you just want high converting ones :smiling_imp:

Step 1.

You spy on one of the competitors inside your niche who gets tons of followers daily by doing F/U.

You can do that by using social blade and if you see that their following also fluctuates on a daily basis, it’s pretty obvious that they do tons of actions using an automation service, so they probably have some follow/like sources.

Even if they don’t, this technique still works to figure out trends inside the niche.

Step 2.

Open Jarvee --> Social Profiles --> Click on one of your accounts --> Scrape Tools --> Extract followers of username: (you add your competitors here)

Step 3.

You open the excel with the file. There you will have all his recent 10000 followers or so.
Now what you want to do, is take them one by one (about 200 should be enough) and go again to
Jarvee --> Social Profiles --> Click on one of your accounts --> Scrape Tools --> Extract FOLLOWINGS
Make sure that you have the Save file on disk CHECKED so it doesn’t open every time you scrape

Step 4.

You take all those 200 excels that you now have, which contain all the followings of your competitor’s followers and you add them one on top of the other.
Now using the countif function (or anything better I am not good with excel) you should see something like this.

Justin Bieber 53 (found in 53 of your competitor’s followers’ followings)
Christina Aguilera 48 (found in 48 of your competitor’s followers’ followings)
Rihanna 39 (found in 39 of your competitor’s followers’ followings)

You get the idea.

So your competitor is liking, following, commenting the FOLLOWERS of those accounts :slight_smile:

Now all you have to do is take that big list of sources and add them to your accounts.
Be creative with it, you can do tons of things and scrape not only their followers in order to get important data.

Hope I made myself clear, if you have any questions leave them here or PM me.
Also, sorry in advance if I upset anyone with this post :cry:

I almost forgot…Big thank you for the MPsocial customer support you guys are rockstars!


You can also just use that information. The followers your competitor gets are willing to follow someone to return the favour. You can just use this competitor as your follow source. His new followers will probably also follow you back.

My experience with some niches; standard follow back rate 10%, follow back rate when using a source who gets his new followers after follow/unfollow 30-40%.

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I was also taking all their posts, similar BIO and so on so my idea was to scrape the sources and get to his soon to be next followers before him…so it seems like he is copying me :slight_smile:

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How do you scrape only new followers ? :roll_eyes:

if you scrape the last 500 (most recent) every day it should be fine I think?

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The scraping tool is going to give them in order. So the first you see it’s his most recent follower.

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I thought about it atm. I will check it out and post my results :slight_smile: Thanks. <3


Great technique, thanks for sharing!

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thank you for sharing :pray:

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