Guys, we are the John Conners and Neos of the world

At present FB/IG has the most comprehensive set of data on the population of the planet ever compiled.

They likely have some of the most advanced AI algorithms tracking and interpreting that data. If you had to place a bet on what currently existent entity is the most likely to become Skynet, FB/IG is a pretty good bet.

And this is what we are up against. The challenge of our work is to out maneuver these increasingly advanced AI. Every time I log into my VPS running Jarvee, I pretend I am jacking into the Matrix. It’s the little things that make this work a bit more exciting.


Hahaha I like how you think, it’s really exciting to be able to change how things are being run today.

They probably know most about us and just let us survive because it helps their bottom line…


It’s sad that even if your not subscribed to their services they still log information about you.

At one stage you have to give in to the compromise of connectivity over privacy.

If I will ever have the money to buy Instagram, I’ll do a nice move by implementing jarvee with automation for businesses only.
It will come at a decent price, but the competition will turn into teamwork :man_shrugging:t2:

So, blue pill or red pill?

Red pill haha