Hallo from Germany - My short Introduction

I have been a longtime lurker in this forum and found a lot of help so I decided to be more active and try to contribute as far as I am able to.

I started my IM career nearly 8 years ago while at school and found some success with low-key affiliate sites. But I got tired of IM and working so much at the computer and just lived my life (what I regret today).

6 years later I started again with niche affiliate sites. Beside working on them I am now into Social Media,especially IG.
At first I wanted to go the CPA route but for now I am following a longterm strategy with Amazon Merch and Social Media.

Some of my other interests are: Crypto-Currencies, stocks/crowd-lending and nootropics :smiley:

Looking forward to the future of IM and this amazing forum :slight_smile:


How’s it going buddy! Glad to have ya here, good to see a friend all the way from Germany :smile:


Welcome to the forum!


Willkommen auf MPSocial . Du solltest alles was du brauchst hier finden . Und wenn mal etwas noch nicht da ist , einfach einen neuen Topic aufmachen :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum!

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Welcome, buddy! :slight_smile:

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Hey @Heinz
Welcome to MPSocial, enjoy your stay :slight_smile:

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Sounds interesting man, good luck with your plans! :slight_smile:

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You are German people, Henry?

What is the best Crypto-currencie except BTC for investment?

Willkommen im einzigen und dem besten Forum. Viel SpaĂź:+1::+1:

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I can only say that I am invested in Ethereum and Litecoin. Still buying regularly and playing the long game on these two, regarding german taxation.

You “can” make some quick money by trading several coins, but this is like gambling.

PS: Always do your own due dilligence!

I am from Austria :slight_smile:

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Austria = Germany ( same language )