Handling Crazy Clients

What I do recently is. I just tell clients the truth. They allready know Automation is a greyscale area. And basically everything can happen cause instagram can do what they want. Things can change everyday. I just make sure they understand - in a worstcase scenario they lose their account. But that’s fine for them because that’s what they expect. I also make sure that they know my job is being up to date and due to this i can minimize the risk of losing their account - but it’s still there.

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Do you make coldcalls? How do you get your clients in the most cases, from dm’s on instagram like me? :slight_smile:

what do you charged before 50$?

market your free trial as a promotion for 15 days, warm up your clients up to 10 days and 5 days are results oriented, for 47$ if you have a good service 8 from 10 clients stay :slight_smile:

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Good idea! I will give it ago in the future for sure.

Haha, Legacy clients - I have those too haha.

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I don’t think it’s been said, but I’m just very real with clients. I do automation work and I tell them point blank, I can’t make people follow you. If you aren’t growing, that means that either your content sucks or our sources are off. I can fix the sources, but you’re going to need to fix your content.

I’m also very straight forward about results and managing expectations on the front end. People always ask how many followers they’ll get, and I tell them it’s largely up to you and the niche that you are in. You get out, what you put it.

Because of my straight forward attitude and because I have clients at scale (aka I’m not afraid to lose an unruly client), I rarely have issues.


don’t DM. It annoys people. I only DM unless I’m giving a genuine compliment about something they do well or I like. This can be an effective “nudge” if you have a good funnel designed in your profile and then to your site.

But yes, cold calls are still very effective. I think the fact that people are so scared to pick up the phone now days is a great advantage.

We also have our own analytics service, and I will track a prospects account for a couple weeks ahead of time so I can be armed with valuable intel before I call them. For example, Hey, I’m from X and we do Instagram marketing, I was looking at your profile. You do all XYZ very well but I noticed that you’ve been losing followers lately… I know it’s obviously very important to your business - what are your long term Instagram goals?


thanks man! very helpful

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Explained at its best.

some great psychological insight in this thread