Handling Crazy Clients

I do my best to maintain mental fitness with these reminders for dealing with upset clients. I hope they help you too!

  1. The customer is always right: Well, kind of. Perception is reality. What they see is their reality and they often need to be handheld to see that what their worries are may not be as bad as they think.

  2. Kindness counts: One’s social media account is incredibly personal and we need to remember that as managers. People are putting their heart and soul into it and revealing sometimes a lot of personal info. We need to be mindful of that.

  3. They are not technical: That’s why they hired us, right? All these password changes, warnings, “engagement” conversations are not what they live and breathe. We need to be mindful of that.

  4. Sometimes they just are not worth it. 5-10% of my clients make up 50-80% of the work sometimes and they just have tough personalities. Not worth it. Move on and get to the next one.

That’s it for now. They really aren’t crazy when you remind yourself of these things.


pareto principle. You are right, you have to sort out the 20% that makes 80% of the work.

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Great points, thanks!

I would also add 1 more:

  • People will work with those they trust, and that goes both ways. If the client doesn’t trust you, then they won’t work with you. However, if you don’t trust the client, you shouldn’t work with them either.

What are you charging? I found that clients that pay the least complain the most


Yes you are right my friend!

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Yes of course. Thanks for adding

I’m over $100 USD a month. How about yourself.


Yes - thanks for adding that. I forgot the name of that. Perfect.

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thats so true! they pay nothing but want 1000 followers per day with extra wishes, when you have clients which you charge 147$ per month, they are completly in love in the most cases


Yes - same. I generally charge $100 to $170 USD a month. I have a few at $60 from when I started early on - and those are the ones that require the most attention…


Absolutely. I also find that I have the least issues with a business client that has been in business for at least over 1 year. If it’s less than one year, than their product or service is also not necessarily proven so it’s more difficult to help them.

slightly off topic… how did you get your first client?

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I’ve had a couple of clients like that. The kind that text me every single day asking questions or asking me to change what I’m doing for them.

Meanwhile I almost never hear from 80% of my clients unless I contact them first…

I’ve decided it’s just not worth dealing with high maintenance clients. Especially since I only charge $50-75 per month right now, and getting new clients is no problem for me.

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Not sure if this is directed at someone or an open question but I’d like to share my answer :blush:

I actually began doing the service free for a guy who owns a local recording studio in my city.

Since then, has sent me about 8 artists and producers who have all become paying clients.

Lesson I learned was that if I provide a good service for free to someone who has connections…It can pay off :grin:

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It’s called sunken cost fallacy. The more you invest the harder it is to admit it wasn’t a good investment in the first place. Not talking about you, but just explaining how this fallacy works and once you recognize the fallacies you can use them to your advantage. It’s fascinating.


I can sign under that with both hands!

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it was an open question really :slight_smile: Just curious on how people get start with client management thanks for getting back to me!

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I got my first through a friend. I ran a test project with that guy just to confirm I could deliver results. After that he had a large network of colleges that were also interested.

My greatest tool was giving a very strong impression that I was incredibly confident and knew exactly what I was doing. People pay more if they feel like they’re working with someone very professional.

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Word of mouth for doing a great job… just need to get my first real client :slight_smile:

I always like to educate clients before things happen to help take care of potential issues. I have found clients to be a lot more open and trusting when you warn them of things ahead of time.

For example, when I’m about to connect to their account for the first time with a proxy…they’re notified in advance and also given the IP/country of the proxy. Explain it’s just a security check by Instagram to make sure someone isn’t trying to break into their account and they just need to approve it for me.

Also just as I’m getting started I let them know what using F/uF may do to affect their account (followings going up, unknown people popping up into their feed), I explain what can happen, how we work with it and why the process helps them.

Those are just a few examples…but I have found doing things like the above not only builds that trust with the client but also eliminates a lot of first few day jitters clients have, especially when they’ve never used a growth service before. I feel most of my clients actually appreciate the heads up and send a lot of praise after a few days regarding all the communication to help them feel secure.