Hashtag Reach Calculation [Help Needed]

Hey! I am analyzing hashtag reach of any post with the tool. Currently, I don’t have any business Instagram account so I can’t see the stats (reach from hashtags) of the posts.

Would anyone mind sending me or sharing them here 3 posts that have low, medium, and high reach from hashtags as well as the links of those posts? :slight_smile:

I want to check whether my predictions are right. If so, then I can tell you the reach any post got (including reach/engagements from hashtags, etc.).

Thanks :slight_smile:


This sounds really interesting - unfortunately my account is a personal one but hoping someone else can help out here. When you say ‘tool’ what tool are you referring to?

Just basic scraping and manual analysis. I use excel only. But if my predictions are good, then I will create a tool that will analyze any instagram account and will tell the impressions, reach from feeds for each post without a need to turn the profile to business account.

So far, haven’t received any help from you guys :frowning: