Hashtag top 9 semi issue- ghost or not?

Hello since recently instagram added more stats in the images that show you how the people have reached your image (it show you also by hashtag) i notice that i have some problem with hashtags.

Actually we win mostly of the 30 hashtag that we use but i cannot see our post in the top 9 anymore since some week, so i was wondering if we are flagged as ghost, but in some very few recent post in the down stats, some times we still get “viewed by hashtag” (very low like 10-14) so my question is: im i really flagged as ghost?

It’s real that you should not put the hashtag in the comments?
i still see post in the top 9 with hashtag in the comments…

Does other have the same problem?

I talk about my experience and many test obviously.
When i pubblish picture , generally i stay lot of time to search the best hashtag, changing them every days untill it’s possible to do. In my last 7 pictures , i take 15 hashtag on 30 ! i test with a small accounts. i Just put hashtag from 100k to 5ml. i went in 15 hashtag , Explorer seeing from other accounts obviously, and live hashtag too. The live hashtag about the other 15 hashtag that picture don’t enter in. in 7 days i grow more than 1k of organic followers.
it’s change the system of look the hashtag. now you can seen from accounts that have your same interest. The same hashtag seen from two different account change pictures in top9, so you can find different pictures. From some account you can see your picture from others instead don’t…
I Hope it can be useful and let me know how is going after your test

There are now a number of ‘top 9’ pages active at any given time.

This means that your posts may indeed be within that top 9, but they won’t be visible to you.


What do you mean with active ?
You think that some of them are blocked ?

It’s like a parallel universe of top 9s. So that means you could be ranking in one of them, but it’s not visible to you, but some other follower could see your post in the top 9.


Ah ok , More or less same thing i thought.
in fact i see post with a different accounts and some of them see post and others don’t.

Also, many people have stated that they see now posts that are older -not posts that went viral in the last 24 hours, but often posts that are older (several days up to some weeks).
Please find more about this topic in this thread:

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I’ve been experiencing seeing pics that were 2-3 days old on my feed for a while. Good to know it’s not just my account

I stop using hastags. My engagement and amount of a new followers are the same.
I don’t see point of “top 9” if you will not be “awarded” for posting good content.

It seems like the top 9 section is difficult to talk about now that Instagram seems to be transitioning over to an entire “Top” posts section and “recent” posts are on a completely different tab when searching through hashtags. Higher opportunity to rank as a “top” post, but MUCH more important to make it into that “top” posts section because recent posts aren’t going to get ANY traffic now.

Sorry the pic is upside down…