Haven't posted in a bit. How are all my TikTok friends doing?

@Luca @oolongo Still a little concerned about the SIM card method. I only have one account, and losing it, after all the work I’ve put into this, wouldn’t be very nice.

Content or activity that seeks to artificially inflate popularity on the platform is prohibited. We also prohibit any attempts to manipulate platform mechanisms to increase interaction metrics.

Pretty crazy, don’t know how people have random success like that. I started an account, posted 5 videos over the course of a week, only one got more than 10 views, so I gave up. Was a totally fruitless waste of time.

I’m targeting a foreign country, which I know will be interested in my content. I wouldn’t post videos in my region. That’s my main strategy. Got a few videos with over 900k views, and never even used hashtags, or well-thought-out captions. I’ve never experienced anything even close to that on YouTube or Instagram. Took me 8 years to gain 2900 followers on Instagram.

Also, I wouldn’t call it “random success”. I’m just having fun, and using the platform wisely.


You should already be driving traffic to backup accounts and other socials

I’m not a backup account kinda person. Kills the fun for me. I have one Instagram and one TikTok account, that’s it.

And yeah, I’m directing them to my IG account. It’s just I don’t use any other platforms at the moment. Recently deleted my YouTube account.

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Yeah I feel. I think you will be fine. What you are doing is extremely borderline and you’re searching for a reason. I bot like hell and nothing happens :pray:

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Thanks, man! If there was an issue, the system would’ve had detected it by now. I’ve said it before, but people travel all the time, and use prepaid cards everywhere. It should be fine. I have no strikes, suspensions, or shadowbans so far. :ok_hand:t2:

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Agreed 100%. Wish you the best of luck continuing!

Sounds like the age old strategy on any platform.

Kinda unrelated, but I never got on Tik-tok. Primarily an IG user.

With that said, while I believe IG will inevitably take the competitive market share away from Tik-tok, so long as the app exists, it will have its place.

I think a potential buy from a US company could re-excite the market on the app, but its also likely that whoever buys it gets an extra $$ to shelf it to Facebook.

Understanding that, I think there’s still a grand opportunity to capitalize on attention, but to do so very intentionally now.

Whether the attention is gathered for other platforms, $$$, or otherwise, it definitely needs to be prioritized now while the livelihood of the platform faces some legitimate questioning.

I celebrate all you tik-tokers for powering through. If it survives through this storm, I may begin to dedicate some resources that way for fun. :slight_smile:

Again, what I like about TikTok is the fact that you can reach millions of people overnight, which is quite impossible on Instagram, without ads, and a specific strategy. TikTok does all the marketing work for you, and it takes days, not years.


My TikTok account is shadowbanned for 4 and half weeks now and I have over 107k followers and loosing about 100 a day and none of my videos are going on the for you page since the shdowban stared.

What do you think is the reason for your shadowban?

Don’t know and they are doing it to lots of accounts so just started a new one that allowing my videos on the fyp

Hi how are you targeting another country than the one you’re in?

Using a SIM card from that specific country.