Really glad I found this group! I have been playing around with MP for a few weeks and am really happy with the results. Looking forward to working with everyone and getting deeper into this very impressive software!
Really glad I found this group! I have been playing around with MP for a few weeks and am really happy with the results. Looking forward to working with everyone and getting deeper into this very impressive software!
Welcome to the forum Shimofu. We would like to hear about your experiences and what you are currently doing while using MP.
Right now I am primarily using the tool to find groups for my sales reps and posting my job ads to the groups. I am also expanding my LinkedIn network and will start working with Twitter a bit more here soon. I am hoping to get a few more things “in line” here over this long weekend. Lot of cool ideas for this product and this forum is a huge plus!
Looks like you have it all figured out. Good luck with your journey and we are looking forward on seeing your journey thread (if you are planning to post any) here in the forum.
Welcome to MPSocial, enjoy your stay
welcome @Shimofu , the forum might be as new as you are, however I am sure you’ll both progress very fast in the good direction
Hi I’m new here on this forum, really pleased it’s here actually as I didn’t know MP had one!
I’ve been using MP on and off for a few years, it’s definitely the best out there for getting results!
Welcome @shimofu and @VirtualAssistant, enjoy your stay here We are looking forward on seeing your impressive results using Mass Planner.