Hello from a BHW refugee

Hello friends!

I used to lurk BHW but then I discovered this community and I’ve gotta say I’m liking it better here!

I run a travel photography account but I’m a software engineer during the day. If you have any ideas for tools you need, feel free to shoot them my way!

Anyways, I’m looking forward to learning with y’all.


Hey! Welcome to the fam :slight_smile:
Looking forward to your contributions!

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Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!. I’m looking forward to following your posts and learning more about journey with your travel account!

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welcome – its friendly here and very world class. whats your coding in?

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Welcome to MPSocial! Looking forward to your posts here and hopefully with your expertise in your field, you are able to engineer a tool that will do all of us good :slight_smile:

Thanking you in advance!

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Nice I wish I had the time to learn how to properly code so that I could make myself custom software/bots but I don’t have time! I’m sure you’ll come across many things people here could benefit from, probably a good way to make more side income for yourself. anyway welcome to mps glad to have you here

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Thanks! Mostly Kotlin these days, but I’ve dabbled in a bunch of languages

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sweet! did delphi and assembler back in the day – retired now as a coder. As we speak im porting some php code over dart(for flutter) and free pascal( desktop – windows) for some projects of mine. welcome.
Looked at Kotlin but the lack of GUI for desktops turned me off and away. Funny thou as golang I use quite often in c mod calling. Gave up rust – just takes to much damn time to master,

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Assembly! Now that’s low level. I wrote some in uni and that was enough for me.

How’s flutter been? Been meaning to try that out

Welcome :innocent:

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Welcome, enjoy your stay

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Welcome ! Hope you enjoy it here

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Welcome here !

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flutter is really good once I learn all those damn widgets. Dart is not bad and some articles I been reading says you can do the same app ( with only one code base) with far less code than Java/Kotlin.
It finally will start supporting desktop now and already has a browser app ready feature.

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Welcome aboard!

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Thanks for the welcome, all!

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Welcome :blush:

Welcome to the community man,
I have been lurking on BHW for sometime as well until I found this community and I have to say that it’s been months since I logged into BHW but I am always here on the daily.

Welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum!
You’ll get addicted quickly here.
void Print(Welcome) haha :slight_smile: