Hello everyone I found this website a day ago been really impressed with the layout and looking forward to learning here. My background is in media and design and currently blogging without much success so hoping to learn a few things. Thanks
Welcome Emz! We’re glad you’re here! Looking forward to following your posts and learning more about your expertise in design and blogging!
Thanks so much glad to be here I will just move my sofa over there >>> Cheers
Welcome to the forum!
Thanks so much
Welcome to the forum! There’s a lot to learn here, looking forward to your sharing
Welcome to the community!
Welcome I am sure you can find some valuable insight here.
Welcome to the community!
welcome here man!
Welcome to MP Social.
welcome bro.
I hope you can find what you search here.
Thank you very much
Welcome to the forum! I’m from just over the water (England) do you make twitter or Instagram logos ?
Welcome on board! This forum is the perfect place for you.
Just learn, contribute and become successful.
I do lots of things but sure I can make logos I’ve made all of my own
Hi Emz, Welcome, im much into blogging as well as IG. Id like to know what your doing with your blog, DM me if you have any Q’s.
Just sent you a message always happy to meet people on same journey