Help me choose 4g proxy

Only you can find it ! It depends on your settings and your proxy provider. and a ton of other stuff.

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@HenryCooper has pretty nice proxies…

Yess… You need one RPI per dongle and can run between 5-10 accounts per proxy using 12hrs on 12hrs off (night mode in Jarvee). You could even do 20 accounts using 6hr intervals and less actions. Also, your locations population will affect the amount of accounts per proxy.

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ur wrong i think u can use same rpi for 7 dongles if u use usb hub :slight_smile:

Can I use the dongle as a 4g proxy in my home and connect to it from api via VPS?

@HenryCooper darling I see you are selling 4G proxies.
Please help me brother x

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Brother, is your problem solved?

you have experience in electronics?

You can explain it more clearly. How can you do it?

You can but when I tried that I ran into connectivity issues and instability… Maybe with the new rpi 4 it would be more stable but I haven’t bought any yet…

you need to run a proxy server on the rpi such as squid or 3proxy

Yes as long as you rotate the sleep timers.

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$5 is very cheap for a 4G proxy and it will mean you can only run one account with some providers who will share the proxy with many other people - if you really want to be safe you should buy a dedicated 4G proxy so that it is not full of spam accounts :100:

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I mean running multiple accounts over 4g with the action. How can you? . It seems that my dm account is disabled

I would definitely look for 4g mobile provider in your country.
It should save you a lot of problems