[HELP] My friend's instagram account is blocked

Hi guys! So I’m here in my friend’s place. A couple of weeks ago my friend’s account was locked due to a ‘phishing attempt’. It’s her personal account, she has her own photos on it, it’s private, but all of a sudden they locked it.

Now they are asking us to confirm it’s her via a code that they want to send to her phone. The problem? It’s her old phone number, from when she lived in another country. The number is no longer active. She doesn’t email associated with the account.

We’ve tried support, they were no help, asking her to confirm her identity. We’ve done it 3 times already, and as many of you have seen they keep sending her a link to reset her password.

Are there any ways for us to retrieve her account? Do we have to wait? Anything we can try in the meantime? I’ll take unorthodox approaches if I have to. I’m including a screenshot to help explain things.

Unfortunately, there’s no other way to retrieve the account but to contact support. You should keep submitting the support request form to contact them and repeat the process. Did you choose my account was hacked when submitting the form?

Is your friend maybe running FB ads? There should be specific FB chat for this kind of users - you could try to contact them this way, they are the same company.

I don’t think we did? I believe we filed a report mentioning hacking last night. We’ll keep trying of course.

She’s not. I believe she uses it for personal stuff and as self promotion. She’s not boosting posts I believe.

Thank you both for your comments!

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That is the only way if you don’t have access to that phone number anymore.

The only good chance will be through a media partner, but that will not be cheap. Make sure the account is worth it before going down that road.

Hope she gets her account back!