For months I’ve had the same amount of scrapers, same proxies and everything has been fine. But recently they are getting hit hard. I’m losing 50-60 a day out of the 600 I have. So, have to keep buying new ones.
Atm I’m testing different suppliers, testing different proxies and still having issues keeping them alive.
Has their been another change in the algorithm or is the account creation quality not as good?
I use low api delays and 2-3 scrapers per proxy and still they die. A lot die on first login.
Yeah. I used to use a scraper bot but I like how jarvee keeps engagement rates of sources as I use lots. So, scraping external results in bad follow back.
Do they also die if you run them on a 1:1 setup and on a phone (for testing)? To fix or debug such issues, you need to go back to the drawing board and remove any overhead (at least until you get some results).
Ive tried 1:1 with ipv6 and ipv4 and didn’t change much. I havn’t tried 1:1 4G yet. They run on phone, its only when they are scraping they die. Even with low limits of 100api calls every 6-12 hours
Lost also a lot of scrapers in the last 2 weeks. Peak was around 80 per day. After some trial and error I found a solution for me. I’m not using Jarvee, so I don’t know how to archive this with your setup, but what helped me on the scraper accounts:
upload every 2-3 days a photo
writing dm’s among themselves every 1-2 days (scraper1 writes scraper2 and scraper2 answers scraper1)
In my opinion, this emulates a bit more a normal user behavior as just scraping. Atm I loose with this method with all my normal settings which haven’t changed about months only 5-10 scrapers a day (which is my normal daily business).
Try breaking the patterns you are using from time to time. For example, use a Scrapers Group 1 for 8 hours, then stop them and do some manual actions on them. They are hitting us strong so it seems.
You can use random action options in the advanced profile settings to emulate human behavior, those options will make the scraper do multiple actions, follow, unfollow, like
I think it has nothing to do with login operation. When accounts die on first login, it’s usually because the accounts quality is not good. You should ask your provider to replace the accounts or try another account provider.
Atm I’m just trialing different providers and different proxies. Some of the providers I used lots in the past don’t seem to be making great scrapers anymore.
Still losing some but no as much. So, must have been a wave that set them off. Fingers crossed.
Yes, that’s most likely it, but you will need to understand exactly what triggered that so that you can avoid it in the future, yes could be Ip’s/proxies.