Hey, I'll give you 10-30 accounts for free as part of the test! IG

Hi. I will give 10-30 IG accounts as part of the test.
I’d like someone to scrap these accounts:
How much data they are able to collect or you can also try to send messages on them and also how many messages you manage to send.
Can anyone run such a test in an hour and give me the results?

I still have 16 accounts to test, anyone?

Still available!
What’s up, people do not want it for free? Weird: D

send me 16 pls I can test today.

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I still have about 10 accounts to give away for a test! Is anyone willing?

hey if you don’t mind i take them :slight_smile: thanks mate

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I will take some if you have any left

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I still have about 10 accounts! I now depend on the test:

Send some accounts over here will test them for you

Send some accounts over here will test them for you.
Both scrapers and follow/… accounts :slight_smile:

Send me some, i will test DM’in & other feature and let u know

Hey Buddy

More than happy to test accounts purely as scrapers

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send some if you are willing, I can help as well.

Hey man, would love if you could throw me some accounts if you have any left… thanks

Tests finished :slight_smile: Thank you all!

Interested if you have any of them :smile: