Hi - From the UK - Say Hello <3

I seem to be doing this forum back to front.
Skipped the intro …Straight to the meaty info so many of you are kind enough to share.
Lots of ideas for experimentation.
Then I found the other sections, like this one :+1:
A bit of background, had my first ecommerce store back in 2006.
Hugely into SEO back then.
Did well, burned money… didn’t see the crash coming.
Failed to prepare or diversify.
Made a few mistakes in life.
Always keen to learn and share.
Just getting into things again.
Interested in IG, FBA, AIS and any other opportunities.

Fun fact: I love patterns, bit odd but I like to get a handle on things and then work out patterns or behaviours.

Currently: Dabbling

Look forward to being your friend and team mate.


welcome mate! nice to have you here

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welcome to mpsocial

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Congratulations, you have found the best forum for IG marketing. Welcome and good luck!


Cheers :slight_smile:

Thank you very much.

Very true, Welcome!


Much appreciated!

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Interesting introduction, I wish you good luck ! You will learn a lot with this forum :innocent:

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Welcome to the forum. Nice intro!

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Weclome, Cheers!

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Thanks Everyone.

Welcome to the family

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Welcome! Looking forward to reading your posts!

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Crash and failing is part of the process, that’s good cause you still want to try things so…welcome to mpsocial mate!:grinning:

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Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your stay! :pray:t2:

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Great to have you here, George! Looking forward to following your posts!

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Welcome! :slight_smile:

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penguin crushed my blog network back in the day…now 10 years later i’m giving it another go! welcome!

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:smiley: Yep! Back when you could slide into BBC forums and get a sneaky DoF back lol.