Hi, I am happy to do creative tasks for FREE

Hi, I am 17 years old motivated guy from Hungary, EU.

I already making some good money, I have been doing video commercials for Hotels for a while now, but I want to try some new things. I am building a high quality drop shipping brand for myself. I have ordered Jewelries from Aliexpress and travelled to Paris to take some great shots and videos about them. I will use IG automation with the M/S slave strategy with quality content. I have created 30 accounts in shopping centers on display phones. I am not afraid to put effort into things and to think long term.

I already learnt a lot in this forum, and I am so greatful for you guys! But I am sure, that I could learn even more if I reached level 2 here. But I know that I have to provide value for value. :slight_smile: So I am happy to help the experienced members for free doing any kind of creative tasks. I can do:

-video editing (this is my strongest skill)

  • photo retouching
  • editing anything in Photoshop
  • collecting content from free resources
  • photo hash regenerating, so Instagram wont detect reposting
  • hashtag analysis and collecting
  • instagram copy writing

If there is anything else I can help you just let me know, and I will try. :slight_smile:

Have a nice day!


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Exactly what I am looking for! Especially the retouching - editing part!
I can help you out with m/s in return!

PMed you! :slight_smile:

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Never offer professional creative services for free. This is what ruins the industry for EVERYONE, yourself included when you need paid work or a full-time position in the future. Everybody will expect actual hard creative work to be free because of this. Why would a brand hire someone for a paid project when they can find someone like you to do it for nothing?

If you want to help out people here and improve skills with trades like what @staystyled offered, that’s one thing, but don’t tell other people you’re working for free - and don’t promote yourself as someone who does!

This coming from a video editor with 10+ years in the industry.


Instead of offering to do these tasks for us, which will not get you to level 2, you can write guides on how to do these tasks


Doing for free is completely bullshit, I agree. But I believe exchanging value is something different.
I would’ve been so happy if someone could’ve helped me learn the m/s strategy. Would’ve saved a looot of time and money lol.
But yeah, entirely for free is not the best moove. Writing guides like @benny suggested will definetly help you get to lvl2 in those minimum 25 days! :slight_smile:


I have experience in doing creative things, and others has in automation. I think if you offer help first, then you can meet new people, and can also learn from them. Its win-win and its, about connections and not about destructing the Industry. :slight_smile:

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I do not expect to get level 2 because of this, but I know that I can help others this way. Writing guide about this topic is a great idea! Thank you for it!

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Love you’re mindset, wish more people were more alteristic like you!
I know I’m not always sadly :hushed:

Never work for free friend, it’s a disservice to everyone. I understand you are young and want to eat the world whole but you should know your time costs money and your work deserves remuneration. Have a great day.

It’s really nice of you, but your time is too valuable to do things for free! Man people used to offer to pay me when I helped them out with creative things when I was your age, and I would turn them down to be polite (mainly people my dad knew) - Don’t make the same mistake! Learn to take money for your time.

It’s great that you came out with such an initiative, but remember, give value, does not mean to do something for someone :wink:

Hi Mastema, thank you for your tips! I am not afraid to charge for my services, as I mentioned I have already made some good money doing commercials for Hotels in my country. Now I would like to gain more knowledge in Social media automatiation. I know that the game is getting harder and harder. Yes I agree that time is so much valuable. Thats why I would like get in touch with experienced guys, because its too expensive to learn everything on my own. But I believe that If you expect help then you have to give first.


Hi, I’m very near to your country, I’m in the software industry and media production as well, I think we can cooperate. PM, cheers.

I agree. The worst is seeing kids offer garbage designs on twitter for $5. Under values people who know what they’re doing. People see proper work as overpriced. Terrible for business for everyone.


what is photo retouching?

Adjusting a photo to make it perfect. Eg.: Color grading, skin smoothening etc


Can you find hashtags not only in English language?
For example, Hebrew?

@Aisa are you really asking this?

No it was just an illusion. You are the first person that noticed

I will have to agree with most of the people here. Do not work for free not only you will be much more annoyed with the work (I know I would be and would probably do a half assed service) but also it belittles all your competition and decreases your future prospects if many people would do it.