Hide followers & followings list from users

Hiding followers and followings list on instagram is now possible in some regions.

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Is that for non verified accounts?

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That’s going to make life harder

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thats a gg for IG botting lol

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Yes. It’s from a not verified account.

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From what region this example is?

Not a GG but definitely nail in a coffin for mass dms and softwares who take long time to adapt :wink: cough

The account holder is in Turkey.
I asked him how he does this, he said that restricting people would now also lead to, them not being able to see followers and followings list. He did it to me to demonstrate. And as you can see, it does work.

Also I managed to find this video which claims the same:

If its done just for private users and have to manually add followers it is cool by keeping us safe from :female_detective: